What Climate Solutions Work Best in Georgia?
What climate solutions work best in Georgia? And to take it one step further, which climate solutions also advance equity and bring jobs to our community? Our 20 high-impact climate solutions are the backbone of our leader-full movement. We encourage you to find a way to use them wherever you are, whether it is at your job, in your community, or from your home. Drawdown Georgia was born from a multi-university research project whose initial phase of work was completed in December 2020. This research was funded by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation and led by Georgia Tech, with researchers from Emory University, Georgia State University, and the University of Georgia. The project identified and evaluated the 20 highest impact solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia over the next decade, while also advancing “beyond carbon” dimensions, including equity, promoting economic development, improving public health, and nurturing the larger environment. Research continues on these solutions—in the creation of a state-wide dashboard in support of solution activation.
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Dig into the Climate Research
Drawdown Georgia is grounded in research. Learn more about the science supporting our work to scale climate solutions.
View the GHG Emissions Tracker
The Drawdown Georgia GHG Emissions Tracker provides greenhouse gas emissions data at the state- and county-level for Georgia.